Product Detail

Series Fxx45
Operating Direction Horizontal
Power-linear 0.125W
Power-audio 0.06W
Life cycle 10K
Detent Option Y
Element 1-2
Travel(mm) 20/30/45/60
Lever length 5/10/15/20/25
Specification Document download

1.Metal housing.

2.Dust cover option.

3.Available in red green and yellow LED colors.

4.Center detent option.

Electrical characteristics
Total Resistance  1KΩ~1MΩ
Total Resistance Tolerance  500 Ω
Resistance Taper  A, B, C
Withstand Voltage  1 minute at AC 300V
Insulated Resistance  More than 100MΩ at DC 250V 
Sliding Noise  Less than 100mV
Residual Resistance  20mm: Term.1~2: Less than 10Ω; Term.2~3: Less than 20Ω;30mm, 45mm, 60mm:Term.1~2: Less than 10Ω; Term.2~3: Less than 30Ω
Gang Error (Dual Unit) -40dB~0dB±3dB
Rated  Voltage  Linear Taper B:15mm:AC 100V; 20mm,30mm,45mm,60mm:AC 200V; Other Tapers:15mm:AC 50V; 20mm,30mm,45mm,
Rated Power (Single Unit/Dual gangs)  Linear B Taper: 15mm:0.05W/0.025W,20mm:0.1W/0.05W, 30mm:0.2W/0.1W,45mm:0.25W/0.125W, 60mm:0.2W/0.2W
Mechanical characteristics
Level push-pull strength  3.0Kgf Min at 10Sec.
Slide torque  10gf~100gf
Stopper Strength  5.0Kgf Min (from the base level to a point of 2mm) 
Detent Torque (only center click) 50gf~200gf
Level Wobble  2(2xL)/20mm Max. (L: Level length both sides)
Sliding Life  Standard life: 15,000 Cycles Min.; Long life: 100,000 Cycles Min.

COPYRIGHT©POLYSHINE HOLDINGS LTD Favor Electronics 普耀集團有限公司 東莞福哥電子 專業電位器生產製造