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Favor union supported the 2020 “Yuanxin” Study Aid Award
Source:Polyshine   Time:10/8/2020   Clicks:8650

On August 25, 2020, “Yuanxin” Study Aid Awards was held in the productivity center.

It is understood that since its establishment in June 2009, the“Yuanxin” Study Aid Award organized by the Taiwan Businessmen Association of Chashan has listed visiting and caring for vulnerable groups as regular activities. To solve the problem of children from poor families, the Association launched a student aid program in August every year, subsidizing 100-500 yuan a month for students from low-income families. At present, hundreds of poor students have benefited.

Favor Union has been concerned about poor students and education over the years, and has contributed a lot of manpower and material resources.

This year, Liu Xingwang, the general chairman of the group, Ray Liu, vice president of VR business department, and Michael Huang, vice president of MVP business department, all attended this year's “Yuanxin” Study Aid Award, and distributed grants and gifts to students on the spot.

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