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Favor Union successfully applied 5 more new patents
Source:Polyshine   Time:8/26/2014   Clicks:14311

Favor Union successfully applied 5 more new patents:


Number Name Owner
ZL 2014 2 0005625.2 A thin type of 3D rotary input device Favor Union
ZL 2014 2 0005703.9 A 3D rotary input device with better operation feeling. Favor Union
ZL 2014 2 0030070.7 A new type of rotary potentiometer Favor Union
ZL 2014 2 0030071.1 A new type of slide potentiometer Favor Union
ZL 2014 2 0030072.6 A new type of potentiometer with low residual resistance Favor Union


Detailed patent contents are in our technical support page:


COPYRIGHT©POLYSHINE HOLDINGS LTD Favor Electronics 普耀集團有限公司 東莞福哥電子 專業電位器生產製造